Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8th

I love the verse that says, "His mercies are new every morning"

No matter how many bad days I have, the next morning is a "DO OVER"

and no matter how many times I BLOW IT, God's grace gives me a spiritual "DO OVER" too.

Today was a better day than yesterday. 

Mike was gone this morning, and there was no morning prayer and Isaac and Michael continued to fight, just like they did yesterday,  but it was a new day, and a new chance to take it all in stride and move on!

Sam and I had a Day 'O scrapbooking planned while the kids were at school, a rare treat since she is a working woman!  But she had a day off that our kids didn't have.

So with a quick pack of things, I was out the door a little after 8am to head to her house.

Her house is Better Homes and Gardens.

Everything matches, and it has a's lovely.

Here is their tree. 

Also today, school assembly.
Michael is on the 1st quarter Honor Roll
Very proud of his hard work!

Yes, I know the picture is dark,
one day, the stars will align
and my brown children will be seen
in a school play or performance of some kind.
All school function photos look like this for me.

Several reason:
1) the stage lighting is usually bad
2)  school stage curtains are always dark blue
3)  nothing to reflect light in this photo except the certificate
4)  (not here, but usually) my children are standing by the MOST WHITE child in the whole school and THAT child will be hyper-exposed in my photos and my child will have only teeth showing
5) my children are TALLER than most, and usually in the back of the group

It's just a small frustration I have
and I feel better just putting it out there
I can't be the only one!

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