Monday, December 13, 2010

December 13th

Monday, oh week, you will be a day off from school.

Praise the Lord!

I may have mentioned, I'm not much of a morning person.

So getting up at 6am to start the day before the boys is not my favorite.

But, the good news is........the barfers in this house are better and everyone went to school.

The morning was not the best, but for a Monday, not too shabby.

I had my morning coffee with Sam and then headed over to my new friend's house, Bethany Taylor.
Bethany and her husband Josh are foster parents and are the directors of Harvest House, a ministry
on the island to foster care kids. 

Tomorrow night is the Festival of Lights at Harvest Baptist Church, and all the foster kids on the island are invited for ice cream and GIFTS!  LOTS AND LOTS OF GIFTS!

I had a great day helping sort, wrap and organize gifts for the event tomorrow night.
I am thankful for all those who donated and I can't wait to see the kids tomorrow night as they get their gifts. 

Merry Christmas!

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