Saturday, December 3, 2011

December 3rd


a parenting morning of divide and conquer.

I took Michael and Zion (and Meleah) to Leo Palace for morning swim team practice.

Mike had early morning Bible Study and then he and Isaac stayed home to do yard work.

The afternoon was lazy for the boys who still have a cold.

I stayed busy in the kitchen preparing for a beach day tomorrow after church.

The evening was filled with the excitement of the
Navy base Christmas tree lighting.

As always, we saw neighbors and friends,
classmates and co-workers.

It was a nice, easy evening.
(*this is Guam trying to make snow)

It's soap suds

One of Michael's friends holding Meleah
We keep trying to tell him that the baby is a chick magnet.
(*just sayin')

and of course the BIG GUY was there

The credit for this Christmas tree goes 100% to the awesome rockin' Public Works Officer
(well, at least on my blog it does)
The guy that everyone loves to hate when there is no water or no electricity brings us Christmas
That's something!

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We came home around 7pm for a late dinner and then put the ornaments on the tree.

In the past, the boys have had their own tree.

In San Diego, we had bedrooms upstairs and I placed a tree in each upstairs window.

The tree in the living room there was a "theme" tree.

The ornaments that the boys made and were given were on the trees upstairs.

This is the first year that my theme ornaments stayed in their boxes.....

I was worried that it would drive me nuts - the random-ness of the mix-match ornaments.

But you was good.

I enjoyed separating the ornaments by "Baby's First Christmas"  (1997, 2000 and 2001)
as well as all the Popsicle stick / puzzle piece ones they made in kindergarten and first grade.

They enjoyed stories about the ornaments and why they were given this one or that one....
based on their interest that year.  
(*Michael has lots of train ornaments, and those who knew
him as a toddler know why)

Here are a few photos.

Just the lights 

Can't forget the family dog!

Finished except for the top

Sadly, our angel "died" this year.
She was at least 20 years old.
I think Mike and I got her in Orlando Florida,
Christmas 1990.

Mike spent a long time trying to repair her....
with the fear that I might burst into tears.

Finding another angel on Guam might be tricky.


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